Perspective and Suburbia…

So now that you are up to speed, let’s talk a bit about the process of going from our Pleasantville scenario to full time RV living! We relocated from Atlanta…

Make Yourself a Priority…NOW!

I last wrote about leaving my career after 20 years. There’s been quite a bit of time between when I did that and have written about the decision. I left…


Untangling from what you’ve been told you are supposed to be can be very challenging. I can’t say that I have mastered it yet, but every day I make baby…


When we talk about decluttering, most people’s first thought is that of clearing out their closets. In fact, the definition according to the Oxford dictionary is, ” remove unnecessary items…

Our First Post!

Greetings! Welcome to Our Untangled Life! This will be a place where you can come to learn more about decluttering your life, getting back to the basics when raising your…